Parents Without Partners, Denver Metro Chapter #814, Northern Colorado Chapter #1391

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ABOUT PWP: Info & Orientation dates:

Join or site and find out when you can meet PWP Members and attend a small informational meeting.

Single Parenting Resources on the Internet:

The organizations and sites listed below are not related to nor in any way endorsed by PWP.

These sites provide you with a convenient home base from which to search the Net for sites important to single parents.

Divorce In Denver
Divorce Resolutions: Colorado Center for Divorce Mediation


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Welcome to Parents Without Partners (PWP):
A Single Parent Support Group

The challenges are many in bringing up our children alone, and even greater while contending with the emotional conflicts that accompany divorce, separation, widowhood, or never being married.

PWP is an international non-profit organization that provides real help to its members by the way of discussions, professional speakers, and social activities for families and adults.

Through the exchange of ideas and companionship, we hope to further the common welfare and the well-being of our children.

We are open to any parent who is single by reason of death, divorce, separation, or never married. Custody of the child is not a factor.

All SINGLE PARENTS are welcome.



Why I Joined PWP

Testimonials from members...

I joined PWP because at the time, I felt like none of my friends understood what I was going through and I needed to be around other like minded people. I also thought it would be good for my kids to have friends whose parents were divorced. It was great for me at first, and having people to talk to about all the overwhelming emotions was a life-saver. It was great to know that you were with people who knew what you were feeling and know that they understood and that it was ok. It helped me to feel less like the only person on earth who was dealing with the pain of going though a divorce.


I guess we all sort of joined for the same reasons. I also joined because I didn't have many friends in my situation. I really wanted to find more girlfriends with small kids to do stuff with. It turns out I actually found much more, and for that I'm pleasantly surprised.

PWP gives me a sense of the whole "it takes a village" setting that I was missing because I don't have any family here. I remember when I first joined, I saw a posting [on the member's forum] from a woman who needed help with something in her house ... plumbing or something ... anyway, a bunch of guys jumped in with: I'll come over with my hammer, another with a shovel, another with a drill, and so on. I don't remember the specifics, but I just remember how incredible that was.


I joined mainly so my daughter would have kids to play with when she was with me.
I didn't realize when I joined that it would be such a social group; however, I quickly realized that dad needed some friends, too. I've found a lot of new friends here and it keeps me from being bored and lonely. You all are great! Group hug! I also didn't realize there would be so much opportunity to help out/volunteer. I was very active in different groups in college and enjoyed the feeling I got from giving something
back. I've found that here and it's filling a need I have to contribute and be active.

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Revised 7/27/08
Copyright © 2008 PWP. All rights reserved.